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Torah Study on Women's Leadership

01/19/2017 08:31:37 AM



Shalom to all those headed to the Women's March! What a bracha (blessing) it is to send
you with words of Torah so perfectly fitting your journey today. This week's parsha
(Torah portion ) is Shemot, the first in the Book of Exodus, and it is the richest text in the
Torah in terms of female participation and showing a real variety of female characters
and actions. It portrays women as resisters, allies, brave mothers, responsible sisters,
and monarchs secretly using their power to fight oppression.

Please read through the attached excerpts and continue to the discussion questions at
the bottom of each block of Biblical text. Consider reading aloud dramatically to your
friend or bus partner and see what you notice in this reading. Focus on how different
characters navigate the choices available to her, and think about which characters you
find yourself identifying with, admiring, or judging.
Enjoy yourselves and safe travels!


Please click here for attachment


Thank you to our Rabbinic Intern Sarah Barasch-Hagans for contributing the attached Torah study in honor of Bnai Keshet congregants participating in the Women's March in DC, NYC, and elsewhere.  Please feel free to use this study guide to deepen your experience of this Inauguration weekend, whether you are marching or not.  

all the best,

Rabbi Ariann

Sat, May 18 2024 10 Iyar 5784