Rainbow Legacy Circle
As the Talmud relates, the righteous man Honi once encountered a man planting
a carob tree. "How long will it take to bear fruit?” he inquired.
“About 70 years,” the man replied.“So you think you will live long enough to taste its fruits?”
The man explained, “I have found ready-grown carob trees in the world.
As my forefathers planted them for me, so I plant for my children.”
As a member of Bnai Keshet, you support our shul in a variety of ways, but have you thought to include us in your estate plan? By leaving a legacy, you can help assure that the connection you feel for our congregation and the Jewish community will exist for future generations.
Your participation in the community-wide Create a Jewish Legacy (CJL) program does not require a cash donation today. It is simply a promise for the future. A legacy commitment will enable you to:
- Impact BK in the future in a way that you may not be able to do today.
- Perpetuate the Jewish traditions that you cherish.
- Set an example for your family and community.
All of us, regardless of age or wealth, have the ability to leave a legacy. Your legacy gift can be structured to fit your family’s financial situation. The simplest methods of leaving a legacy are by adding or changing a beneficiary designation on a retirement plan, IRA, life insurance policy or through a codicil to a will. Your legacy commitment can be stated as a specific dollar amount or percentage.
We invite you to join our BK's Rainbow Legacy Circle.
What Is The Legacy Gift Program?
The Legacy Gift Program is the means by which some congregants1 contribute a portion of their estates2
to the congregation. Members or friends and family who pledge to make a legacy gift become part of Bnai Keshet’s Rainbow Legacy Circle.
Why Should I Consider Participating?
For many of us, BK is far more than a place to learn and pray. It is a second home, a
family, a community with whom to celebrate and to mourn, and we want it to endure for
our children, our grandchildren and beyond. Like most congregations, BK cannot survive
on dues and tuition alone. (At BK, these cover only two-thirds of the budget.) And L’dor
v’dor – “from generation to generation” – has always been a core Jewish value.
Do I Need A Lot of Money To Participate?
Absolutely not. Legacy pledges of any amount – by which we mean any amount – are
very gratefully received. And all aspects of the program are held in strict confidence.
Has Anyone Done This?
Yes. Almost 50 congregants already participate in the program. Thankfully, as of this
writing (July 2023) the congregation has not yet collected any congregant’s gift.
Is It Hard To Do?
No. While many people think adjusting a will or beneficiary form is complicated, it’s
actually not, and we’re available to help.
Is There Only One Way To Participate?
No. You can include a bequest in a will codicil or add BK as a beneficiary of an insurance
policy, investment account, or any other financial instrument with a beneficiary form.
Craig Levine, BK member and attorney, can assist upon request, pro bono and
Can I Change My Mind?
Yes, of course. Should your circumstances3 or thinking change, you may increase or reduce your pledged legacy gift at any time.
What’s The First Step?
Contact Barbara Reisman (401) 489-1991 or Craig Levine (973) 919-3242 to schedule an initial conversation.
More information:
View or fill out the Legacy Gift Confirmation Form online.
Click here for a downloadable/printable version of the above information and Legacy Gift Confirmation Form.
1. Or non-congregants: the largest gift BK has ever received came as a bequest from a non-congregant who had a close, longstanding relationship with a congregant.
2. “Estate” here refers to any funds that transfer upon one’s death, not limited to one’s estate as defined legally.
3. While this can be done at any time, for some people receipt of an inheritance has been a moment at which to consider a contemporaneous gift to the congregation, to pledge a future one, or perhaps both.