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Kaplan Minyan and Tikkun Olam Shabbat

The Bnai Keshet Kaplan Minyan is named for Reconstructionist Judaism founder Mordecai Kaplan, who sought to create a Jewish framework for discussions of ethics, culture, history, and current events. They are designed for people who enjoy a communal Shabbat and want to enrich their understanding of Jewish peoplehood in an alternative, less traditional setting.

BK's Tikkun Olam Committee plans and curates a series of Shabbatot about pressing social justice issues. After a spiritual and educational approach to each issue, we take action together as a community following Shabbat. The action could be anything from signing a petition, to calling legislators, to attending a protest (if there happens to be one), or anything in between. Our Shabbatot have included Climate Justice, Reproductive Justice, Disability Awareness & Inclusion, and Refugee Justice. Please contact Jessica Brater to get involved in planning.

Upcoming Sessions

5784 / 2023-2024 


Tikkun Olam Shabbat
June 8th at 10:00am
Affordable Housing: What can we do to keep housing accessible?

This Tikkun Olam Shabbat will focus on the human right to safe, affordable, stable housing. We'll hear from local tenants' rights activist Ahavah Felicidad of TOOM and from Diego Arias, a Policy Associate with the Fair Share Housing Center. Because wandering in the desert gets old fast! Stay tuned for more info on a follow-up webinar that will give us more insight into this complex policy issue, as well as plenty of actions you can take.

Past Sessions:

Kaplan Minyan with Margaret R. Sáraco and Alex Polner:
Creative Collaboration as a Lifetime Journey

Kaplan Minyan with Dr. Khyati Joshi: 
Racism and Antisemitism in the Context of Christian Privilege in the U.S

Kaplan Minyan with Michael Strassfeld
Judaism Disrupted: A Spiritual Manifesto for the 21st Century.

Kaplan Minyan with John Wallach:
Misinformation And Free Speech: A Troublesome Liaison

Joy Levitt:
Toward a more permeable Judaism:  The case for conversion and radical welcome 

Rabbi Dr. David Teutsch:
Reconstructing Judaism and Israel: A Personal Reflection on the Past, Present, and Potential Future

World Jewry Shabbat

Racial Justice Shabbat

Sally Gottesman:
Getting Proximate: Bringing Jewish Leaders to the West Bank and East Jerusalem

Claire Garland:
Indigenous Culture and Land Rights

Michelle Cameron:
The Uneasy Balance - A Fiction Writer's Take on Assimilation vs. Maintaining Jewish Tradition

Jenny Baum:
Just City, Growing up on the Upper West Side when Housing Was a Human Right

Ariel Goldberg:
Just Captions: Ariel Goldberg Shares Research and Writing from book in progress on Trans and Queer Image Cultures

Miriam Herschlag:
A Montclairite in Jerusalem: Fieldnotes from my inspiring, infuriating, flawed, beautiful home.

Siddhu Nadkarni:
Identity: What is your true identity from a Kabbalistic and Vedantic perspective?

Ari Finkelstein:
Separating Christians from Jews in Late Antique Syria: the Christianization of the Roman Empire in the 380s and its Impact on Jews and Judiasm

Roni Yavin:
Did the Baby Cry? Midwifery and Circumcision in the Talmud.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784