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Lilith Salon

Sunday, October 19, 2014 25 Tishrei 5775

7:30 PM - 9:00 PMHome of Lauren & Peter Meyer, 12 S Mountain Ave Apt 28 Montclair


Let’s try something different! In the summer edition of Lilith, there’s a modern midrash (story) Lot’s Wife, based on the Biblical tale (You remember – she’s turned into a pillar of salt.) The original story is quite disturbing. The modern tale is the author, Michal Lemberger’s attempt to create a different version.
We’ll all benefit from reading the original, as well as the story in Lilith. The original text is in the Book of Genesis, parshat Vayera, chapter 19 (lines 1 – 30.) The story, Lot’s Wife, is found in the summer edition of Lilith, Volume 39 #2.  I think if we read both versions, we’ll have a fascinating discussion, comparing and contrasting!
Below are some food for thought questions and focus points
  1. Who actually arrives at Sodom?
  1. What is your first impression of Lot?
  1. When does that impression change?
  1. Why would Lot make his “offer” to the men of Sodom?
  1. What role does Lot’s alien status play in this?
  1. Who saves the strangers?
  1. What role does Lot’s wife play in the story thus far?
  1. Why do you think Lot’s wife looked back?
  1. To which other Biblical story does this tale remind you?
  1. For the complete story, also, read verses 30– 39)
  1. Still without a name, what role does Lot’s wife have in this story?  (not counting the ending)
  1. Who’s missing from the story? Why?
  1. What is the basis here for possible ill will between Lot and the townspeople? Does that change the heinous nature of the crime?
  1. What role did “honor” play in both stories? What role does “honor “ play in many countries today? Why are honor killings still happening?
  1. What did you think of Lot’s wife’s final act?
         6. In the end, what made her cry?
         7. In this story, who is the savior?
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