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CK - Volunteer Opportunities

Many BK members have signed on as volunteers to help with a range of Chevra Kadisha services. Your participation is welcome at any level. Those who have been involved, whether through visiting the sick, working with the Hesed Committee, sewing tachrichim with others, doing shmira, chanting at bedside or during shmira, or taking part in tahara, have found spiritual meaning and a deep sense of fulfillment.
  • Bikkur Cholim: “Visiting the sick” – a rewarding mitzvah that can be performed readily by young and old alike. For further information or to volunteer in this way, please contact Roberta Elliott.
  • Hesed (family outreach): Helping with funeral/burial arrangements, assisting with the post-funeral meal of consolation. For further information follow this link.
  • Sewing tachrichim: Joining with others to make the simple white garments traditionally used for burial.
  • Shmira: Sitting with the met/metah, customarily while reciting psalms or other poetry, ensuring that the soul of the departed is never alone from death until burial. (Individuals generally take responsibility for one or two hour shifts)
  • Sacred Chanting: Chanting with others at bedside, during shmira or tahara, or at shiva.
  • Tahara: The ritual washing, blessing and dressing of the met/metah in preparation for burial. Tahara teams are gender specific. For further information about participation and training please contact: Lisa Brennan for women;  and Joel Ackelsberg for men. 
  • Learn to lead shiva minyans at mourners’ homes.
  • Help develop educational programs for adults and students that explore all aspects of these continuity-of-life issues.
If you’d like to volunteer or for further information please contact: Deborah Zafman or Norman Rosenblum.
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784