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Lag BaOmer 2024 Concert & Fundraiser

Many many thanks to the 300+ (!!) folks who joined us to celebrate Lag BaOmer, to those who couldn't be there but genereously contributed to support humanitarian relief in Israel & Gaza, and especially to Habbina Habbina & Gili Yalo for sharing their music and energy with us on a perfect spring evening, and Marcel Bakery & Kitchen for a phenomenal dinner.  We are equally grateful to our co-sponsors, our synagogue and church neighbors, who spread the word far and wide, and brought so many people to Bnai Keshet to celebrate with us

We raised almost $10,000 by the time of the concert, and we can still make our goal of $18,000 for the Hostages & Missing Families Forum, and the New World Kitchen & International Rescue Committee via the New Israel Fund. Please contribute if you are able.




Make a donation:


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784