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Standing Together Video Screening & Discussion with Aaron Back

Tuesday, December 5, 2023 at 7:30pm
at Bnai Keshet, 99 S. Fullerton Ave, Montclair

Please join us for a video screening and discussion of a recent talk by two members of the national leadership of Standing Together, Sally Abed and Alon-Lee Green.

Sally Abed spoke at Bnai Keshet last year about the work of Standing Together - a grassroots movement mobilizing Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel in pursuit of shared society, peace, equality, and social justice.

The screening will be of Sally and Alon-Lee's recent talk at B'nai Jeshurun in NYC, responding to the current crisis in Gaza and Israel and reactions in the US, and envisioning a shared path forward for Jews and Palestinians in the land both peoples call home. 

For some advance reading, see this November 17th New York Times article that featured Sally, Alon-Lee, and the Standing Together movement.

The discussion following the screening at Bnai Keshet will be moderated by Aaron Back, a longtime Bnai Keshet member whose career has focused on peace, human rights, and social justice in Israel. 

Aaron Issar Back is a consultant to human rights and social justice organizations in Israel and the U.S. Previously he served as the Ford Foundation’s Program Officer for Israel and the Director of the Social Justice Fund, a $40 million initiative to advance human rights and progressive social change in Israel. Aaron lived in Israel 1987-1995 where he was a senior staffer at the Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem and a lecturer in social welfare at the Hebrew University.

Thu, February 6 2025 8 Sh'vat 5785